Why Choose Digital Dojo Over Udemy, Coursera & Udacity?
Why Choose Digital Dojo Over Udemy, Coursera & Udacity?

Why choose DDLP over Udemy, Coursera and Udacity?
There are so many online courses on digital marketing that sometimes it is hard to choose one!
There are some well-established online academies & marketplaces like Udemy, Coursera, Edx, Udacity – which are doing well in providing courses to their target audience.
But let’s see why Digital Dojo is different from all these alternatives!
All the people who have used the Udemy platform know that there are always several courses on the Udemy platform for the same topic. Sometimes you get confused which one to choose! The same problem exists on the other learning platforms like Coursera and Edx. These platforms do not get involved in the content creation. They do not provide an assurance for the knowledge or skills that the content will deliver to the participants. If you choose the wrong course, you have no one to blame but yourself.
On Udemy, some courses are free/ cheap but some courses are way too expensive. We choose the free/ cheap courses because we don’t want to spend too much money. These courses contain advertisements for some particular products or pitch some other high cost paid courses. These courses are just means to upsell other high cost products or courses!
That is not something you desire, right? Also, most of the times you can’t even trust the instructor whether he is giving you the right information or not! What Udemy and other online platforms lack – is transparency. This also creates trust issues pertaining to online learning platforms!
But this is not the case with Digital Dojo. At Digital Dojo, we create our own courses based on a lot of research and study. It takes almost 6 months for Digital Dojo to create & launch a good course on our platform. Every video in our course is created by our in-house team of experts. It is reviewed rigorously just to make sure that all the content is valid and we do not make even a small mistake.
All our courses are made with a lot of dedication, research, rich multimedia content and accurate knowledge. And more importantly – with lot of passion and love – towards our students. We want to give them the best. And for that, we need to give our best!
There is a lot of emphasis on practical learning in our courses. Almost every tool recommended in the course is free and available to anyone! We don’t promote any products but we promote digital marketing knowledge in the best possible way. Every course at Digital Dojo contains rich multimedia videos with fewer words and more visuals – that makes it easy for everyone to understand clearly, in spite of their native languages!
The Chief Instructor, Mr. Sachin Sadare (Founder of Digital Dojo) has more than 20 years of experience in delivering digital solutions to corporate firms and institutions. This is a bonus to all participants learning through Digital Dojo. The main motto of the online learning platforms like Udemy, Coursera, Udacity – including Digital Dojo – is to impart the right knowledge about a particular subject, for you to learn from the comfort of your home.
Lack of face to face communication or personal interaction is the main reason why people don’t often choose online courses. Every online learning platform is focused on providing knowledge. Just going through videos is not going to make anyone an expert! People have doubts and it needs to be addressed! Udemy does not have any solution to this problem. At Digital Dojo, with our Professional Course, you will get “Live Sessions (Online & Classroom)” where you can clear your doubts or learn new tricks and tips from the expert trainers.
Another gap with online learning platforms is the duration you can access the course content. Udemy gives you the Life Time Access that means you can go through the same course anytime you want without paying an extra penny again. Which is good!
Let us take an example. You enroll for a digital marketing course from Udemy in 2020. What are the chances that the strategy or tools suggested will remain valid in 2022 or 2025? Then, what is the use of having lifetime access to a course that will not be useful in the future and does not serve any purpose?
But that is not the case with Digital Dojo. Digital Dojo gives lifetime access to all the courses but with a lot of perks. Digital Dojo makes changes to their course content periodically according to the changes in the digital marketing world. When our courses update, you get access to the updated course immediately, without paying an extra cent. Thus, with lifetime access from Digital Dojo, you can stay updated with all the future changes in digital marketing. You don’t have to go to different places to learn new tools and techniques. Enroll into Digital Dojo’s existing courses and learn digital marketing without any time boundaries. And all of that, without spending anything extra. Imagine how much money you will save in your lifetime, by enrolling into the lifetime access courses of Digital Dojo.
Why we enroll ourselves for the courses?
To get knowledge! But also, to get certificates. Right? Of course!
But on that front, there are so many gaps that need to be filled when we enroll with the online course platforms like Udemy.
There are no grades or projects or evaluation done to check your practical knowledge. And sometimes only completion certificate is issued to you. What is the use of having a completion certificate? Anyone can watch those videos without paying attention to it and still get the completion certificate! Isn’t it?
At Digital Dojo, Digital Assurance is most important. Every course contains quizzes, assignments, projects for evaluation, and also proctored exams. Only after the completion of all the evaluation criteria, Digital Dojo issues a “Certificate of Merit” for completing the evaluation and performance requirements. There is no concept of “Certificate of Completion” at Digital Dojo for our flagship courses.
Through the block chained “Certificate of Merit”, every participant can now easily prove the credibility of their digital skills. Any firm looking to hire digital talent can validate and be assured of the digital skills of the candidate under consideration. It is a great win-win scenario.
Don’t wait for anyone! Make the right choice today and get the right online education with Digital Dojo!
The blogs on this website are written and managed by DigitalDojoOU.